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Avoiding Probate — Why You Need an Estate Plan
Last quarter I explained the probate process and promised this quarter to write about how to avoid probate and to explain the advantages of preparing a revocable trust-based estate plan.
The Case of the Contract Formed by E-mail
Latex foam sales rep Kevin Callinan, a fixture in the mattress industry, was starting to contemplate retirement. Shevick Sales Corp. (SSC), owned by industry acquaintance Karl Shevick, sold latex mattress toppers.
2024 First Installment Property Tax Bills
First installment property tax bills have been mailed out for nearly 1.8 million Cook County properties. The payments for the first installment bills are due March 4, 2025.
Below are a few key updates to stay informed of the latest real estate tax developments in the Chicagoland area.
Updates to Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Deadlines – Reporting Requirement Stayed
Yesterday, we reported that the motions panel of the Federal Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit decided, pending appeal, that reporting companies are required to file their beneficial ownership information with FinCEN no later than January 13, 2025. However, late yesterday, the merits panel of the same Court ordered a portion of the motions panel decision to be vacated, effectively reinstating the District Court’s December 3, 2024 preliminary injunction staying the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and its Reporting Rule.
Updates to Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Deadlines – Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements Now in Effect, with Deadline Extensions
Earlier this month, we reported that the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a preliminary injunction staying the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and its Reporting Rule. This week the Federal Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit decided that reporting companies are required to file their beneficial ownership information with FinCEN.
Rules and Lawsuits and Injunctions, Oh My!
What is the practical effect of two recent FLSA rulings?
In recent months, two different courts sitting in Texas have issued headline-grabbing rulings interpreting the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”).
Preliminary Injunction on CTA Enforcement and Reporting Rule
On December 3, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a preliminary injunction staying the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and its Reporting Rule. The effect of the injunction is nationwide.
Deducting Legal Fees Incurred in Employment Disputes
Question: I will be soon be entering into a settlement agreement with my former employer for wages that were wrongfully withheld from me. Can I deduct the legal fees I have spent on this case?
An Agreement Not to Agree?
Does an Employer’s Written Disclaimer Automatically Bar an Employee’s Illinois Wage Act Claim? The Seventh Circuit says “no.”
Probate, explained
When a loved one dies it can be difficult to know how to access their assets, manage their mortgage and other debts, and wind up their affairs. With limited exceptions, the only way to access assets owned by a person in their individual name is through probate, even if they have a valid will.