
Buy-sell agreements are a key component for succession planning

Buy-sell agreements are a key component for succession planning

An insured buy-sell agreement is a solution that allows your business to continue operating by providing a source of funds to compensate the deceased owner’s family for his or her share of the company, without having to liquidate company assets. The surviving owners rarely wish to become partners with a deceased owner’s heirs and the heirs rarely wish to get involved with the day-to-day operations of their loved one’s business. So, what exactly is a buy-sell agreement?

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Sales rep prevails “up front” and recovers commissions and overrides

Sales rep prevails “up front” and recovers commissions and overrides

The warm climate and urban environment in the twin cities of Dallas and Fort Worth lends itself to infestations of pests, including ants, termites, mosquitoes and rodents. Recognizing the opportunity this creates, Julien’s Pest Control d/b/a Evolve Pest Control (“Evolve”) handed sales representative Brad Liston a five-year contract beginning in January 2021 to market pest control services in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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Rep goes toe-to-toe with manufacturer — and wins every round

Time is Money: Navigating the DOL’s Final Overtime Rule

On April 23, 2024, the Department of Labor published a Final Overtime Rule that amends the regulations established under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) governing exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay mandates for executive, administrative, and professional employees, as well as highly compensated employees. The Final Rule is set to take effect on July 1, 2024 and includes built-in adjustments of compensation levels on a going-forward basis.

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