Sales Rep Articles

Buy-sell agreements are a key component for succession planning

Buy-sell agreements are a key component for succession planning

An insured buy-sell agreement is a solution that allows your business to continue operating by providing a source of funds to compensate the deceased owner’s family for his or her share of the company, without having to liquidate company assets. The surviving owners rarely wish to become partners with a deceased owner’s heirs and the heirs rarely wish to get involved with the day-to-day operations of their loved one’s business. So, what exactly is a buy-sell agreement?

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Sales rep prevails “up front” and recovers commissions and overrides

Sales rep prevails “up front” and recovers commissions and overrides

The warm climate and urban environment in the twin cities of Dallas and Fort Worth lends itself to infestations of pests, including ants, termites, mosquitoes and rodents. Recognizing the opportunity this creates, Julien’s Pest Control d/b/a Evolve Pest Control (“Evolve”) handed sales representative Brad Liston a five-year contract beginning in January 2021 to market pest control services in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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Tax-free benefits to help business owners attract and retain employees

Avoiding 5 percent owner status for retirement plan distribution purposes

Many individuals continue to work into their retirement years, whether due to financial need, personal desire or some other motivation. A meaningful portion of these workers are high-wage earners who pay tax at the maximum or near maximum income tax rates and do not wish to withdraw funds from their retirement accounts which in most cases are fully taxed at ordinary income tax rates.

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The ‘Windfall Gals’ Reject Manufacturer’s Contention That Paying the Rep Was a Windfall

The ‘Windfall Gals’ Reject Manufacturer’s Contention That Paying the Rep Was a Windfall

Just a few months ago, on the fifth floor of the courthouse in a sleepy Philadelphia suburb, an international manufacturing conglomerate squared off for 3½ days against a local sales rep. The battle was over commissions due under the terms of their contract, plus statutory damages. In a first for this counsel (and the seasoned trial judge), a single-sex jury was selected: eight women who, for reasons explained below, would later form a chat group known as the “Windfall Gals.”

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